While the history of waiting rooms’ themselves in the
Victorian period is essentially uninteresting, they were places where people
met and from which stories emerged. Therefore, a bit of a dig in nineteenth century newspapers has revealed some interesting stories.
Clearly, exploding waiting rooms were a problem given the
gas lighting. On the morning of Monday 14 October 1869 at Newton Abbot Station a
gas leak occurred in the waiting room. On discovering the leak a Mr Hemmett,
the station’s inspector, went looking for it and did this by ill-advisedly
lighting a lamp. Unsurprisingly, the gas that had collected in the ceiling
exploded, causing Hemmett some injury.[6] A similar event occurred at 5 O’clock
on Sunday 2 November 1873 at Kew Gardens Station. On the up side of the station
the porter had lit the lamps in the station’s two waiting rooms. Evidently
this was done poorly and gas started to accumulate in both. Thus, when another
porter began lighting the external lamps this caused an explosion which blew
out the rooms’ windows and doors and destroyed the ceilings. A booking clerk
and several passengers narrowly escaped injury or death, with the damage coming to around
While possible death by explosion was clearly a risk, the waiting room could also be the site of crimes. On the 23 January 1871 at Shanklin
Station on the Isle of Wight, Charles Colenutt was found sleeping in a chair.
The station master, James V. Sully, led him out with the assistance of a
porter. Yet, Colenutt returned ‘two or three times,’ and on the last struck
Sully’s hat with his fist ‘rendering it unfit for further wear.’ At the
Hampshire Petty Sessions on the 5 February, Colenutt was fined thirty shillings
for the assault, fifteen shillings costs and ten shillings damages.[8] Clearly,
for Colenutt the waiting room was a warm place to sleep the day away.
However, sleeping in a waiting room was not a cause of crime
in the case of Alexander Thompson who ‘dropped off’ in the Chesterfield station
waiting room on 1 August 1896. On that day, while Thompson was asleep there, Linther
and Walter Hall entered the waiting room and stole his pocket watch which was
worth £15. On rising from his slumber, the victim became aware that his watch
chain was hanging down with nothing on its end. A search was conducted and the
watch was found nearby. The blame was quickly placed on the Halls, who were
arrested shortly after. At the trial, Walter blamed Linther, saying that the
former had told him of the crime while in the “House of Correction.” Yet,
Linther argued that Walter was trying to save himself, then launched into ‘a
torrent of invectives’ against his brother and lastly claimed that Walter had
asked for a pardon from the prison Chaplin. Both were found guilty and they
imprisoned for four months with hard labour.[9]
With so many people coming and going from waiting rooms, it is unsurprising that incivility also occurred. One passenger in September 1865 complained bitterly about the ‘female
official in charge’ of the Ladies Waiting Room at Newcastle Central Station.
She described how a lady ‘who held a first class ticket’ for a journey north
arrived at the station early and proceeded to the waiting room where she placed
her basket on the long side table. The attendant quickly pronounced that “the
company don’t like such things placed there.” Having used the table for its
purpose, the passenger ignored the comment. Yet, she quickly received another
shortly after; “You must take it off the table the company don’t like things
there.” The passenger, somewhat confused, asked what the purpose of the table
was if it was not for putting things on. The attendant carried on with her work
while mumbling and the traveller put the basket on her knees to end the
‘annoying conduct’. The same attendant also accosted two women who entered the
waiting room when their train was late. Once they had passed through the doors,
she placed herself in front of them stating that “This room is for no one but
those going by train.” On the women informing her that their train was late,
the attendant’s response was that “People should enquire whether trains were
late before coming – the company did not like persons sitting there.” She attendent then
proceeded to pace about, muttering. Lastly, another passenger went into the
waiting room’s inner room for a little water. The attendant followed her and
rudely stated that those who wished to have a drink usually went to the
refreshment room.[10 – see below for some thoughts on this case.]
However, waiting rooms were not just used for waiting for trains.
In the Gateshead Station Waiting Room on the 2 October 1887 the local Railway
Servants Temperance Union held a meeting at which Mrs J.J. Gurney gave an
address. [11] In 1878 at the Kew Gardens Station waiting room, which I
presume had been repaired by then, the life of a sick animal was ended. On the
7 October a ‘large black retriever dog in a state madness took possession of
the ladies waiting room.’ The station master contacted the Metropolitan Police
and very soon police constable No.302, John Smith, arrived with a gun. Nothing
more could be done than to shoot the poor animal.[12] Furthermore, like today,
passengers also left things in waiting rooms. In May 1869 a resident of
Richmond (Surrey) offered a reward of five shillings for a ‘large bundle of MS.
Pamphlets, Plays, &c’ with paper which was ‘stamped with a coronet’, which
had been left in the station waiting room. [13]

I will be doing a talk on 17 January at 6.30 pm at Kew Public Library on Victorian Railwaywomen, looking at who they were, where they worked in the industry and their pay and status. Refreshments a provided, all for a mere £1. If you would like to attend, call the library to book a place on 020 8734 3352 (Opening Times: Tues - 10-1, 2-6; Wed 2-6; Fri 2-6; Sat 10-1, 2-6) or email kew.library@richmond.gov.uk
[1] Biddle, Gordon, ‘Waiting Rooms’, The Oxford Companion to British Railway History, (Oxford, 1997),
[2]Whishaw, Francis, The
Railways of Great Britain and Ireland: Practically Described and Illustrated,
(London, 1842), reprinted (Newton Abbot, 1969)
[3] Biddle, ‘Waiting Rooms’, The Oxford Companion to British Railway History, p.553
[4] Liverpool
Mercury, Thursday, 21 November 21, 1867
[5] Biddle, ‘Waiting Rooms’, The Oxford Companion to British Railway History, p.553
[6] Trewman's
Exeter Flying Post or Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser, Wednesday, 14 October
[7] The Pall Mall Gazette, Monday, 3 November 1873
[8] Hampshire
Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle etc, Wednesday, 8 February 1871
[9] The
Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 28 October 1896
[10] The Newcastle Courant etc, Friday, 8 September 1865 –
NOTE: On reflection I believe that the attendant at Newcastle was probably
suffering from what now would be recognised as mental health problems. Indeed,
given that the woman was probably a widow of a railwayman who had been killed
in the course of his work and was probably living in poverty with dependents, these factors may have had an effect. The sad thing is that a letter
such as this would probably have ended her employment, pushing her into even more
hardship. Indeed, I have recounted a similar case HERE which ended up with in
attendant going onto the workhouse.
[11] The British Women's Temperance Journal, 1 December
1887 p.134, Issue 60 and 12
[12] The
Sporting Gazette, 12 October 1878, p.973
[13] Judy, Wednesday,
19 May 1869 p.38
[14] Hearth and
Home, Thursday, 8 November 1894, p.923
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